
Economic history of Japan

Economic history of Japan
Hello ! In this week, I will introduce you about Economic history of Japan(period after war). You look at graph of the inflation-adjusted economic growth rate of Japan below. In this graph, you know roughly when Japanese business conditions is good or bad. And this time, I explain you some occurrence in this graph to understand you how they influence had an effect on Japanese economy.

The period revival after World War (“戦後復興期” in Japanese).
August 15th in 1945, Japan was defeated in World Warand the war was finished. Japanese lose two millions people and 25% of national land. So, to help to revive Japanese economy, GHQ do reform called “three major economic democracy reform”.
1 Agrarian reform: To stabilize life of farmer, landowners bought agricultural land from a nation and selled it cheaply to farmer.
2 Dissolution of the zaibatsu: Make the antitrust law and prohibited holding company and four major zaibatsu divided into some hundreds companies.
3 Upbringing of labor union: To improve wages standard of labors and labor circumstances.
 Common point of these three policy is that GHQ thought that the causes of World Warwas the situationof poor life of Japanese. So they could not buy product, big companies in Japan invaded other countries because they bring up their sales. By stabilized life of Japanese, this problem was improved because big companies sell their products to Japanese, GHQ thought. So these three policy was done in this period.

The period of rapid economic growth(“高度経済成長” in Japanese.)
 In this period(1955~1970), Japanese economy growth is the most marvelous in the world for 15 years. This period called rapid economic growth and mainly this period divide into four business conditions.
Business conditions of Zinmu(1955~57,“神武景気” in Japanese):There was boom of durable consumer goods, refrigerator, washing machine and black and white TV are called “三種の神器(sansyunozingi)”.this Japanese word means three kind of goods of god. Supermarket Daiei was opened.
Business conditions of Iwado(1958~61,“岩戸景気” in Japanese):The prime minister Yuto Ikeda announced the plan that people in Japanese’s would get double amounts of their ordinal income.
 By new technique was imported from abroad and the scale of company expanded, the two business conditions above is caused.
Business conditions of the Olympic(1964,“オリンピック景気” in Japanese):In this year, Toumei expressway was opened for traffic. This prosperity was caused because public enterprises for the Olympic in Tokyo was increased.
Business conditions of Izanagi(1965~70,“いざなぎ景気” in Japanese):Color TV, cooler(air conditioner) and car these of three called 3C was born in this period, and Japan GDP was second highest in developed countries. Heavy chemical industry includes shipbuilding, steel, petrochemistry had international competitiveness and amount of exportation is increase, this prosperity was caused.
A crisis of petroleum(1973, “石油危機” in Japanese).
 In 1973, fourth Middle East War happened between Israel and the counties around Arab countries. Then, OPEC many Arab countries belonging raise the price of petroleum to win the war and decided to inhibit export petroleum to America because America supported Israel. As a consequence, the price of petroleum marvelously rose, many countries including Japan economically confused because of lack of it. As you know from above graph, its value is down in 1973.
 Japan revival thorough various situations and occurrences. This week, but I explained a few of period in Economic history of Japan, this period is very important for now Japanese economic situation. I introduced above roughly, so if you interested in this field I introduce, you study economic history of Japan in detail yourself. Next week, I will write about present situation of Japanese economy.



Overview of econom

I will write about contents which are related to Japanese economy for 10 weeks. It may be difficult for me to complete this blog, but I think I will stick it out! The first week content is overview of economy.
First: definition of economy.
Economy is the system which adjust activity of production or indicate the production itself. This express is very abstract so I will express more simply. Economy is the system which exchanges between money, thing, and service and the system follow rules including a low and custom of business. We get money from income that we have earned, save, profit that we have invested and constantly income of real estate and finance …and buy various merchandise or service.  
Normally, in a capitalistic economy, We have to work to get money. Expressing concretely, because people have to produce things and service that exchange to money to keep a family budget, most of Japanese is both a producer and a consumer.  But some of them are directly laborers, in this case, they have assets(real estate , bill that have value,… )that produce regular income they get without working or property that can make them living. And other some people invest their capital to increase their income. Some laborers not produce things or service directly but invest or finance money or are engaged in bank or the finance.
 Not only personal people do economic activity between they and enterprises but also the government use the system of tax or national debt and gather money and draft the national budget. Government and a local self-governing body distributes national budget to a public institution and economic activity to promotes increasing of profit and safeness of society. The bank of Japan save inflation and deflation from extraordinariness by policy of finance and do adjustment of interest to sustains the situation of economy smoothly.  
 A tax is used for mutual help or social security to reduce nation’s bear in those field that have high publicity, for example: education, medical treatment, nursing and welfare . And it is used for the police for peace preservation, action of national defense for national security, diplomacy… in a word, it is used variety field.
Second: derive.
The word “economy” comes from “οικονομία” in Greek. “οικος” means house,
νομος” means a low or a custom. So the word “economy” originally means handle of things when we treat a family budget. But now, because “economy” treats matters of national reign, “economy” has a little different meaning.
The word economy in Japanese “ 経済 ”comes from China in tousin era.
Third: kinds of economy.
I will explain about three kind of economy( Traditional economy, Market economy, Planned economy) easily.
Traditional economy
Main economic activity( producing, distribution…) is provided by custom or tradition. For a tendency, it exist in relatively small group like village.
Market economy
Enterprise or individual produce things with the thought that individual profit is most important, things are distributed by system of market.
Planned economy
Central authorities manage all economic activity. In many case, this kind of economy is used in socialism. For example the era of Soviet, planned economy was used.