
Academic Economies

Week 8Academic economies.

Hello! February began from last Friday. Tsukuba is colder than my hometown. I was suffered by cold and I came to hate low temperature. But, from this month, temperature will be getting warmer and warmer so I am happy.
This time, I introduce you about Academic economy. There are many kinds of economy treated as scholarly. I explain Some of them simply.
 In the first place, what is economics? Economics is the learning for studying how value is produced using limited resources in capitalism and monetary economy. It is academic learning for intending activity of economics in the society. The philosopher Adam Smith who I introduced you in this blog before is the first man who defined economics in his study “The Wealth of Nations” (“国富論” in Japanese). The definition is following.
 “The economics regarded by politicians and member of an assembly show different two things, One is the method which supply abundant profit and production and the profit and necessities give benefit to the people. The other is means which supply such a profit to country or society to make people wealthily.”


Macroeconomics is learning for studying the act in whole economy made from government, company and individual generally from big point of view. Count concepts such as GDP, national income, prices, savings, investment, international trade balance and economy guidance are used to advance the study. The purposes of the leaning are “the prediction to the situation (business fluctuations, deflation, inflation, bubble…) of economy of the future” and “theory construction to carry out effective economic policy (finance of the government and monetary policy)” Macroeconomics premise the economics of the philosopher Keynes. The premise means that the market mechanism (competition principle) based on free nation’s activity of economy is not reliable. Keynes thank that approval market intervention (economic policy) from government was necessary to keep the unemployment rate at a low standard and maintain prosperity. But macroeconomics has the purpose that we should think approval economic policy to economy adjustment.


 Although, in the macroeconomics, recession from business fluctuation and unemployment are premised in thinking economic policy, microeconomics premise the model (perfect employment, perfect competition and market balance) that all people get an occupation and demands and supplies are always balanced in thinking economy. It does not explain recession or unemployment well and does not deal them. So the insufficient point in microeconomics is made up for by macroeconomics. Microeconomics is learning for studying act of economy. The act of economy is that player (producer, company, consumer and individual) in market cope with a change of price under its influence. So we assume that demands and supplies are always balanced in microeconomics market, it has the characteristic we can study the act of economy without thinking recession and unemployment from business fluctuation. Compering microeconomics with macroeconomics, microeconomics is the learning which does not deviate from the form based on an ideal model.
 In the microeconomics crass of university of Tsukuba, satisfaction of people is expressed by calculating using differential calculus. I was very surprised that “satisfaction of people” are calculated in the crass!! In that time, it was very strange for me to express satisfaction by using mathematics.

This time, I introduce you two big academic economies. But in addition, there are many kinds of them labor economics, environmental economics, basement economics, nerve economics, experiment economics… In other words economics are used many kinds of fields. So I think economics are very interesting and profundity. Thank you for reading my blog!!