
Through 9 weeks

Week 10:Through 9 weeks 

Hello!! How are you? Are you fine? Recently, I am very fine. It is March from today and the temperature in Ibaraki is becoming warm. This season is my favorite. So my feeling is very good, recently. This week is last of my blog about Japanese economy. This time, I will write my opinion through 9 weeks of my blog.

I decided to write this blog with little curiosity about Japanese economy, so I had poor knowledge of it and English skill. It is very hard work and consume much time for me to write blog about difficult contents like my topic at first, but through 9 week’s experience that I wrote blog in English and attended Mario’s class, I can write blog fast in English and I could know something (about English word and knowledge for Japanese economy). This experience thorough 9 weeks is brought me up so I think it was good to do with my best.

Thorough 9 weeks, I was interested in week6’s subtopic (economic profit and territorial dispute) specially. This problem is very hot subject in Japan and I often watch the news related to the problem especially Senkaku islands. Each country insists on the right of territory because each country have original insist. But most of Japanese living in Japan only know Japanese insist and history of Japanese side. I think Chinese is same, too. I knew the insist of Chinese side from other student’s blog and internet webs about Senkaku Islands. Of course, there are many information and insists which I did not know there. I think Japanese should know Japanese side insist and its reason firstly, furthermore, knowing Chinese side ones in addition is better. Most Japanese people cannot affect this problem and change the situation. But we can know and think about it. I think it is better that you have individual opinion about the problem after thinking.

Last week, I introduce about Japanese economic problem especially about the problem of employment. There are many problems other than the problem and in my blog’s questionnaire, Many of people who answer it think the situation of Japanese economy is bad. You may feel sense of crisis and uneasiness but I do not think so. Although the Japanese rank of GDP is falling, it is kept at high rank in the world. Japan has many big companies like TOYOTA that I introduce at week4 and there are many high leveled techniques. This is what Japanese can be proud of in the world. So I do not worry about nothing in the feature of Japan but expect. What kind of development will happen in the feature? And what kind of change will it give in our life? How will Japan contribute to the development and change? I am looking forward to and I expect Japan give good influence to the world.

This time this blog is end. Writing blog is very hard but worthwile. So I want to write new blog when I interested in something other. Thank you for my reading blog through 10 weeks! Goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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