
Eminent Scholar

Week7:Eminent scholar.

Hello! How are you? I have had cold since last week and I have been suffered by it. It is serious for person in single life to catch a cold so please be careful not to catch a cold. This time I introduce you about eminent scholar in economy. Do you know anyone who is eminent in economy? I introduce three big economic scholars and a famous Japanese one.

First, he is Adam Smith.

 There may be many people who know him because the study of political and economy in high school, he is dealt with. He was born June 5 in 1723 and he died July 17 in 1790. He was from Scotland and he is economist, theologian and philosopher. Most important his work is “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” (“国富論”in easily Japanese) and he was called “the father of economics”. From 2007, he have been used on 20 pounds bill published in bank of England. 

In the past, 50 pound bill published in Clydesdale bank, Scotland use him similarly.

Second, I introduce you John Maynard Keynes.

 He was born June 5 in 1883 U.K. and he died April 21 in 1946. He graduated from university of Cambridge. He is one of most important mans in 20th century and represent economist. He lead Keynes circus based on the effective demand, and macro-economics were made by him. He was pupil of Alfred Marshall who was economic owner, the opponent “Arthur Cecil Pigou” is his brother and his father “John Neville Keynes” is also economist. His famous theory “The general theory of employment, interest and money ”(“雇用・利子および貨幣の一般理論” in Japanese ) in 1935-1936 proved the course of voluntary unemployment because of lack of effective demand.

 Third, This picture is Karl Heinrich Marx.

He was born May 5 in 1818, Germany and he died March 14 in 1883. He was philosopher and thinker, and is widely known as theoretical leader of communist movement and the labor movement after the 19th century, and an economist, and he was one of the most influential thinkers in 20th century. With not only his close friend but also his comrade “Friedrich Engels”, they made scientific socialism as comprehensive view of the world and revolutionary ideas and explained the necessity that after advanced development of capitalism, the society of communism will come. Marx’s analysis of capitalism based on criticism of economic became “The capital” (“資本論” in Japanese) which is most important his work and the economic system depending on “The capital” is called the Marx’s economics. 

Last, I introduce you about famous Japanese economist.

 Do you know him?He is Takashi Kadokura. He was born October 30 in 1971, Japan. And He graduated university of Keio and is known as authority of the economics about under the ground. Until 2005, He was the chief in economic research department of economic laboratory from Daiichi-Seimei (一生命経済研究所経済調査部). After the work, he became representative in economic research institute of BRICs. From 2009, He has appeared on TV program “Honmadekka-TV” (ホンマでっかTV). Many people in Japan watch the TV program because it is very popular. So in the TV program, he became popular. His character is so unique that in it, he is made a fool a little but you must not misunderstand, he is also very famous scholar in economics. Thank you for reading my blog!

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