

Week4: About Japanese big company

Hello! A happy new year! Did you have a good time during your winter vacation? I spent very funny time during my winter vacation. I went to Simoda to see the first sunrise of a new year. This is the picture.

Thank you for reading my winter vacation story and picture. But actually this time I have to introduce Japanese big company, so I will write about “TOYOTA”.

 Of course I think you know TOYOTA. It is one of Japanese big company .

This is one of TOYOTA’s car “PRIUS”. Today, we can see TOYOTA's car not only in Japan but also abroad. Many people around the world use TOYOTA’s car. Why? This is because TOYOTA produces many kinds of car. To produce many kinds of car (low price, SUV, high quality sedan), the company satisfy many customer to meet their needs. And the company have abundant financial resources. Abundant financial resources are person, things, money and know-how, they are very strength of TOYOTA. Because TOYOTA have them, it can advertise itself widely, do high quality research and development and have good sale channels and customer’s services.
 TOYOTA has original production method which is created by excluding waste thoroughly and pursuing rationality of process of production. This is the most one of strength of TOYOTA. This is called “Method of just in time” and known and studied around the world. Also the production method is being affected the idea that when it produce defective articles, the machine which produce things stop promptly and avoid producing defective one. This idea called “Automatic”. Original production method including “Just in time” and “Automatic” made customers satisfied.

By the way, do you know TOYOTA also create robots? In order to create robots that have gentleness and wisdom and support human’s lives various situations (medical, care, welfare, movement, work…).I will introduce some robot of TOYOTA with picture.

This is the robot which support people who have disadvantage with their foot. This robot is put on one legs and support them to rehabilitation. After rehabilitation it support various scene in everyday life in order to make their life activity and freely.

This is Robina. Robina is 120cm high and weigh 60kg. It autonomy movement, manipulation and communication functions, so it can use fingers and hands to have and bring things, use tools and talk with human. In the future, it will support doctor and care elderly people and is expected to be human’s trustful partner. (400)

This is called “humanoid”. This is partner robot which is gotten close easily by human. And it have adaptability to living environment. With flexible physical ability and complicated technique, humanoid can move like real human. Of course it can use tools. In the future it will help house work and support human’s everyday life. Also, it can play trumpet and violin. This is required much delicate movement for lips or fingers so it is very surprised for me. There are some animations about TOYOTA’s robot including these three on the web site of TOYOTA.
If you interested in these robot, it is better to see the animations.

 In addition, TOYOTA contribute to grovel warming or social activity, and have sport teams (rugby football, basketball… ). Do you know TOYOTA in detail? Because I am from Aichi and the head office of TOYOTA is in Aichi, this time I picked up this company. Thank you for reading

1 件のコメント:

  1. Question1: Do you want to use Toyota’s car?
    Question2: What car is most selling in Japan or around the world?
    Question3: What company creates Ashimo? I think it is Toyota. Is it right?
    Comment: I also think Toyota is one of Japanese big company. I like Toyota’s car.
    Suggestion: To indent the first line is good.
